Partners in Development: How Donors Can Better Engage the Private Sector for Development in LDCs

Anna Peters, Christina Tewes-Gradl, Claudia Knobloch

The report is based on an analysis of 15 donor programs for public-private collaboration and interviews with 24 companies with “best practice” experience working in these collaborations in LDCs.

The report develops recommendations for donors on how to engage the private sector in the development of LDCs. Recommendations follow the program life cycle with its four stages design, outreach, implementation and evaluation and learning. One message cut across the four stages: more collaboration between donors is much needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration programs. Donors should align programs and define clear priorities, create a joint information portal for companies, create and sustain joint funds with a special focus on LDCs, and create and advance learning platforms around issues that are most relevant to LDCs.